
Note: This page is updated infrequently, and is more of an archive. Other sites may be more up-to-date:

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Article: Watson, A., Kirby, E., Churchill, B., Robards, B., Larochelle, L. (2023) ‘What Matters in the Queer Archive? Questions from Queering the Map’, The Sociological Review, 72(1): 99-117.

Article: Roberts, S., Lyall, B., Trott, V., Foeken, E., Smith, J., Robards, B., Genat, A., Graf, D., Jones, C., Marple, P., Waite, C., & Wright, B. (2023) ‘Young Australians Navigating the “Careers Information Ecology”’, Youth, 3(1): 300-320.

Report: Hayden, L., Brownbill, A., Angus, D., Carah, N., Tan, X. Y., Hawker, K., Dobson, A. & Robards, B. (2023) ‘Alcohol advertising on social media platforms – A 1-year snapshot’, FARE: Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education.

Report: Robards, B., Graf, D., George, R. & Goring, J. (2023) ‘The Social Media & Employment Report: A report on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) Project: The impact of social media on the employment prospects of young Australians’, Monash University.


Article: Robards, B. & Graf, D. (2022) ‘“How a Facebook Update Can Cost You Your Job”: News Coverage of Employment Terminations Following Social Media Disclosures, From Racist Cops to Queer Teachers’, Social Media + Society, online first.

Article: Elliott, K., Roberts, S., Ralph, B., Robards, B., & Savic, M. (2022) ‘Understanding autonomy and relationality in men’s lives‘, British Journal of Sociology, online first.

Article: Nelson, R., Robards, B., Churchill, B., Vivienne, S., Byron, P., Hanckel, B. (2022) ‘Social media use among bisexuals and pansexuals: connection, harassment and mental health’, Culture, Health & Sexuality.

Article: Duncan, T., Roberts, S., Elliott, K., Ralph, B., Savic, M., Robards, B. (2022) “Looking after yourself is self-respect”: the limits and possibilities of men’s care on a night out, Contemporary Drug Problems 49(1): 46-63.


New Media & Society: SAGE Journals

Article: Kirby, E., Watson, A., Churchill, B., Robards, B. & LaRochelle, L. (2021) ‘Queering the Map: Stories of love, loss and (be)longing within a digital cartographic archive’, Media, Culture & Society:

Article: Kaviani, F., Benier, K., Robards, B., Young, K.L., Koppel, S., (2021) ‘“Does that mean I can’t use my phone to pay when I’m in the Maccas drive thru?”: Younger drivers’ uncertainty and attitude toward smartphone law and punishment’, Accident Analysis and Prevention.

Article: Kaviani, F., Young, K., Robards, B. & Koppel, S. (2021) ‘“Like it’s wrong, but it’s not that wrong”: Exploring the normalisation of risk-compensatory strategies among young drivers engaging in illegal smartphone use’, Journal of Safety Research

Article: Duncan, T., Roberts, S., Elliott, K., Ralph, B., Savic, M., Robards, B. (2021) ‘”Looking After Yourself Is Self-Respect”: The Limits and Possibilities of Men’s Care on a Night Out’ Contemporary Drug Problems.

Article: Vivienne, S., Hanckel, B., Byron, P., Robards, B., Churchill, B. (2021) ‘The social life of data: strategies for categorising fluid and multiple genders’, Journal of Gender Studies.

Chapter: Robards, B., Byron, P., & D’Souza, S. (2021) ‘LGBTQ+ Communities and Digital Media’ in D Rohlinger and S Sobieraj (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media.


Book: Robards, B. & Lincoln, S. (2020) Growing up on Facebook, Peter Lang.
Growing up in the era of social media isn’t easy. With Facebook now having existed for more than a decade and a half, young people who have grown up using social media can look back and see earlier versions of themselves staring back: nostalgic moments with friends from school, reminders of painful breakups, birthdays and graduations, posts that allude to drama with family, experiences of travel, and blurry drunken photos. How do we make sense of our own personal histories inscribed on and through social media? What are the implications for future careers, for public trust in social media companies, and for our own memories?

Article: Robards, B., Lyall, B., & Moran, C. (2020) “Confessional data selfies and intimate digital traces.” New Media & Society, online first.

Article: Dwyer, Z., Hookway, N., & Robards, B. (2020). ‘Navigating ‘thin’ dating markets: Mid-life repartnering in the era of dating apps and websites’, Journal of Sociology, online first.

Article: Moran, C. & Robards, B. (2020) ‘Researching Connected African Youth in Australia through Social Media Ethnography and Scroll-Back Interviews’, African Journalism Studies, online first.

Article: Kaviani, F., Robards, B., Young, K. L., & Koppel, S. (2020). Nomophobia: Is the Fear of Being without a Smartphone Associated with Problematic Use?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(17), 6024.

Article: Kaviani, F., Young, K. L., Robards, B., & Koppel, S. (2020). Nomophobia and self-reported smartphone use while driving: An investigation into whether nomophobia can increase the likelihood of illegal smartphone use while driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour74, 212-224.

Article: Kaviani, F., Young, K. L., Robards, B., & Koppel, S. (2020). Understanding the deterrent impact formal and informal sanctions have on illegal smartphone use while driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention145, 105706.

Chapter: Robards, B., Byron, P., Churchill, B., Hanckel, B. & Vivienne, S. (2020) ‘Tumblr as a Space of Learning, Connecting, and Identity Formation for LGBTIQ+ Young People’ in A McCracken, A Cho, L Stein, and I.N. Hoch (eds), a tumblr book, University of Michigan Press, pp. 281-292.



Article: Møller, K., & Robards, B. (2019). ‘Walking through, going along and scrolling back: Ephemeral mobilities in digital ethnography‘, Nordicom Review, 40(s1), 95-109.

Article: Hanckel, B., Vivienne, S., Byron, P., Robards, B. & Churchill, B. (2019) ‘”That’s not necessarily for them”: LGBTIQ+ young people, social media platform affordances and identity curation’, Media, Culture & Society, online first.

Article: Byron, P., Robards, B., Hanckel, B., Vivienne, S., & Churchill, B. (2019) ‘“Hey, I’m Having These Experiences”: Tumblr Use and Young People’s Queer (Dis)connections‘, International Journal of Communication, 13, 2239-2259.

Report: Roberts, S., Ralph, B. L., Elliott, K. B., Robards, B. J., Savic, M., Lindsay, J. M., O’Brien, K. S. & Lubman, D. (2019) ‘Exploring men’s risky drinking cultures‘, commissioned report for VicHealth.

Chapter: Robards, B. & Hookway, N. (2019) ‘Internet Research & Digital Methods’ in M Walter (ed.) Social Research Methods, 4th edn., Oxford University Press, 430-451.

Chapter: Hardy, A., Eccleston, R., Tinch, D., Hyslop, S., Booth, K., Robards, B. & Wong, T., (2019) ‘Innovations in Research Technology: The case of Tourism Tracer’ in Ooi, C-S. & Hardy, A. (eds.), Tourism in Tasmania, Forty South Publishing, p. 175-185.

Chapter: Robards, B., & Lincoln, S. (2019). Social Media Scroll Back Method in the SAGE Research Methods Foundations series:


Book: Dobson, A.S., Robards, B. & Carah, N. (eds) (2018) Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media, Palgrave.

Book: Hardy, A., Bennett, A., & Robards, B. (eds) (2018) Neo-Tribes: Consumption, Leisure and Tourism, Palgrave Macmillan.

Article: Lyall, B. & Robards, B. (2018) ‘Tool, toy and tutor: Subjective experiences of digital self-tracking‘, Journal of Sociology, 54(1): 108-124

Article: Newett, L., Churchill, B., Robards, B. (2018) ‘Forming connections in the digital era:: Tinder, a new tool in young Australian intimate life‘, Journal of Sociology, online first.

Chapter: Robards, B. (2018) ‘Belonging and Neo-Tribalism on Social Media Site Reddit‘ in A Bennett, A Hardy, and B Robards (eds), Neo-Tribes: Consumption, Leisure and Tourism, Palgrave Macmillan, 187-206.

Chapter: Robards, B., Churchill, B., Vivienne, S., Hanckel, B., & Byron, P. (2018) ‘Twenty years of “cyberqueer”: The enduring significance of the internet for young LGBTIQ+ people’, in P Aggleton, R Cover, D Leahy, D Marshall & M L Rasmussen (eds), Youth, Sexuality and Sexual Citizenship, Routledge, pp. 151-167.

Chapter: Dobson, A.S., Carah, N. & Robards, B. (2018) ‘Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media: Towards Theorising Public Lives on Private Platforms’ in A Dobson, B Robards and N Carah (eds) Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media, Palgrave, pp. 3-27.

Chapter: Robards, B., Lincoln, S., Pinkard, B. & Harris, J. (2018) ‘Remembering Through Facebook: Mediated Memory and Intimate Digital Traces’ in A Dobson, B Robards and N Carah (eds) Digital Intimate Publics and Social Media, Palgrave, pp. 75-91.


Cover for Youth and Society

Book: White, R., Wyn, J, & Robards, B. (2017) Youth & Society, 4th edn, Oxford University Press.

Article: Hardy, A., Hyslop, S., Booth, K., Robards, B. J., Aryal, J., Gretzel, U. & Eccleston, R. (in-press, accepted 3/5/17) ‘Tracking tourists’ travel with smartphone-based GPS technology: a methodological discussion’, Information Technology & Toursim.

Article: Robards, B. & Lincoln, S. (2017) ‘Uncovering longitudinal life narratives: scrolling back on Facebook‘, Qualitative Research, 17(6): 715-730.

Chapter: Hendry, N., Robards, B., & Stanford, S. (2017) ‘Beyond social media panics and mental health risk for young people’, in S Stanford, NR Heller, E Sharland, & J Warner (eds), Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Mental Health, Palgrave Macmillan.

Article: Robards, B. (2017) “‘Totally Straight’: Contested sexual identities on social media site reddit”, Sexualities, 18(1): special issue on ‘mostly straight’, edited by M McCormack.

Article: Lincoln, S. & Robards, B. (2017) ‘Editing the project of the self: Sustained Facebook use and growing up online‘, Journal of Youth Studies, 20(4): 518-531.

Article: Vorobjovas-Pinta, O. & Robards, B. (2017) ‘The shared oasis: An insider ethnographic account of a gay resort’, Tourist Studies, online first.



Article: Robards, B. & Lincoln, S. (2016) ‘Making it ‘Facebook Official’: Reflecting on romantic relationships through sustained Facebook use‘, Social Media + Society, 2(4), special issue on ‘Making Digital Cultures of Gender and Sexuality with Social Media’, edited by J Burgess, E Cassidy, S Duguay, and B Light.

Chapter:  Vivienne, S., Robards, B. &  Lincoln, S. (2016) ‘”Holding a space” for gender-diverse and queer research participants’, in A McCosker, S Vivienne and A Johns (eds), Negotiating Digital Citizenship: Control, Contest and Culture, Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 191-212.

Chapter: Robards, B. & Buttigieg, B. (2016) ‘Marriage Equality, Facebook Profile Pictures, and Civic Participation’, in E Gordon & P Milhailidis (eds) Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice, MIT Press, pp. 131-137


Youth Cultures and Subcultures: Australian Perspectives (Hardback) book cover

Book (edited): Baker, S. Robards, B. & Buttigieg, R. (eds) (2015) Youth Cultures & Subcultures: Australian Perspectives, Routledge (prev. Ashgate)

Article: Hardy, A. & Robards, B. (2015) “The ties that bind: Exploring the relevance of neo-tribal theory to tourism”, Tourism Analysis, 20(4).

Chapter: Robards, B. (2015) “Vernacular subculture and multiplicity in everyday experiences of belonging” in Baker, S., Robards, B. and and Buttigieg, R. (eds) Youth Cultures & Subcultures: Australian Perspectives, Routledge (prev. Ashgate).


Book: Baker, S. & Robards, B. (2014) Teaching Youth Studies Through Popular Culture, Hobart: Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies. [Book website]

Book (edited): Bennett, A. & Robards, B. (eds) (2014) Mediated Youth Cultures: The Internet, Belonging, and New Cultural Configurations, Palgrave Macmillan. [Book website]

Article: Lincoln, S. & Robards, B. (online first: 2014; print: 2016) ‘Being Strategic and Taking Control: Bedrooms, Social Network Sites and the Narratives of Growing Up’, New Media & Society, 18(6). [Paywall PDF]

Article: Robards, B. (2014) ’Digital traces of the persona through ten years of Facebook’, M/C Journal, 17(3) [Open Access]

Chapter: Robards, B. (2014) “Mediating experiences of ‘growing up’ on Facebook’s Timeline: Privacy, ephemerality and the reflexive project of self” in A Bennett and B Robards (eds), Mediated Youth Cultures: The Internet, Belonging, and New Cultural Configurations, Palgrave Macmillan.

Special Issue: Lincoln, S. & Robards, B. (eds). (2014) New Media & Society, special issue on ‘10 years of Facebook’, 16(7). [Paywall Table of Contents]


Article: Robards, B. (2013) ‘Friending Participants: Managing the researcher-participant relationship on social network sites’, Young: Journal of Nordic Youth Research, 21(3): 217-235. [Paywall PDF]


Think Sociology by [Carl, John, Baker, Sarah, Robards, Brady, Scott, John, Hillman, Wendy, Lawrence, Geoffrey]

PhD Thesis: Robards, B. (2012) ‘Systems of Belonging: Identity, Integrity, and Affinity on Social Network Sites for Young People in Australia‘, Griffith University.

Article: Robards, B. (2012) ‘Leaving MySpace, joining Facebook: “Growing up” on social network sites’, Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 26(3): 385-398. [Paywall PDF | Pre-print PDF]

Book (textbook): Carl, J., Baker, S., Robards, B., Scott, J., Hillman, W. and Lawrence, G. (2012) Think Sociology, Pearson. [Textbook website]

Special Issue: Bennett, A. & Robards, B. (eds). (2012) Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, special issue on ‘Mediated Youth Cultures’, 26(3). [Paywall Table of Contents]



Article: Robards, B. & Bennett, A. (2011) ‘MyTribe: Manifestations of belonging on Social Network Sites’, Sociology, 45(2): 303-317. [Paywall PDF]

Review Essay: Robards, B. (2011) ‘Review: Wired Youth: The social world of adolescence in the information age’, 2010, by Gustavo S. Mesch and Ilan Talmud, in New Media & Society, 13(6): 1021-1023. [PDF]

Review Essay: Robards, B. (2011) ‘Review: On the Internet’, 2009, 2nd Edition by Hubert Dreyfus, in New Media & Society, 13(1): 176-187. [PDF]


Article: Robards, B. (2010) ‘Randoms in my bedroom: Unsolicited contact on social network sites’, Prism, 7(3). [Open Access PDF]

Article: Robards, B. (2010) ‘Negotiating identity and integrity on social network sites for educators’, International Journal for Educational Integrity, 6(2): 19-23. [Open Access PDF]

Review Essay: Robards, B. (2010) ‘Review: Structures of Participation in Digital Culture’, 2007, by Joe Karagainis (ed.) in The International Journal of Emerging Technologies, 8(1): 59-60. [PDF]

Review Essay: Robards, B. (2010) ‘Review: Young People, ICTs and Democracy’, 2010, by Tobias Olsson and Peter Dahlgren (eds) in Journal of Youth Studies Australia, 29(2): 6. [PDF]

Review Essay: Robards, B. (2010) ‘Review: The Internet: An introduction to new media’, 2010, by Leila Green, in Media International Australia, 137 (November): 163-164. [PDF]